This is Grief

This is grief. What is happening in our world. In our communities. In our homes.⁣

It’s called grief.⁣

Collectively, we are mourning the loss of our planned future while at the same time, being isolated from the community we need. We are filled with anxiety and fear over the unknown. We feel lonely. Sad. Angry. Confused.⁣

This is grief.⁣

And as someone who’s been through her fair share of grief, I say this to you: go easy on yourself. And remember, grief looks different for everyone. I’m going to say that again, as you continue scrolling through perfectly curated social media posts - GRIEF LOOKS DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE.⁣

You may be motivated to jumpstart a business idea or finally organize every single drawer in your house. Or you may be motivated to simply stay in bed. However you choose to handle this time is OKAY.⁣

So go through it, however you need. And don’t forget to force some joy along the way.⁣

And if you are looking for resources to help you better understand your feelings of grief during this time, to support others who are grieving, are just looking for a little joy - remember, I’ve got you covered with an in-depth collection of books, podcasts, and articles. Check them out if you could use a little support during this time.⁣

We are all doing our best. And that’s enough.