Grief Chats: Our Grief Illiterate Society

How Do We Build "Grief Literacy?”

Episode 2: “Our Grief Illiterate Society"

How can you possibly know what to say to someone who is grieving? And what things should you try not to say?

What do we mean when we say that our society is “grief illiterate?”

In today’s episode, we talk about the importance of having the hard conversations about grief, death, and loss, specifically within the context of widespread grief illiteracy. We discuss tangible examples of both helpful and hurtful things to say as well as simple tips and takeaways.

Grief Chats is a video series hosted by Dana Frost (@forcedjoyproject) and Mira Simone (@newmoonmira), where we unpack what it’s actually like to grieve a traumatic loss in our world today.

Episodes will be released every second Thursday evening on IGTV & on our fancy new YouTube Channel: Grief Chats.

Join us, with your tea or your wine, while we talk candidly about all things grief and widowhood.

Grief is hard. Let’s talk about it.

Help us spread the word about Grief Chats by liking, commenting, and sharing this video on IGTV and by subscribing to our brand-new Grief Chats YouTube channel. Thank you!

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